You Don't Need a Budget

You Don't Need a Budget

You Don’t Need A Budget! 

There I said it – but think of it this way.

You don’t need to have a pair of shoes, after all your feet are designed for:

·        Standing

·        Walking

·        Running

·        Kicking

But you want to have a pair of shoes, simply because your feet will:

·        Stay warm in the spring, fall and winter.

·        Not get wet on rainy days.

·        Avoid potentially get stepped on.

·        Perhaps even burnt on hot pavement.

·        Cut from a piece of glass on the sidewalk.

·        Infected from stepping on a tack or nail.

·        Broken if you run into something.

·        Become a fashion statement.

So again, I say – You don’t need a budget – but you want to have one. 

It will allow you to:

·        Compile all your income.

·        Analyze your expenses.

·        Evaluate your spending.

·        Build your savings and investments.

·        Be prepared for the expected.

·        React with confidence for the unexpected.

·        Prepare a realistic action plan.

·        Stabilize your home and business finances.

·        Forecast your financial future.

·        Succeed at being successful.

Ready to start a budget but not sure how? 

No worries simply gather any questions you may have and book a session with your new Money Coach here!