Spending Round-UP

Spending Round-UP

It has been just over a year of online shopping.

Personally, l am not a fan of online shopping and value the in-store experience as a more effective way to ensure l get the products and the quality that l prefer.  While l will window-shop online to review options and pricing taking that research to the store l feel gives me an edge to get exactly what l want for the price l want with no regrets.

Did you shop online more or less?

Yes - there were conveniences:

:: no busy stores

:: delivered to your door

:: shop anywhere anytime

:: a few added perks or discounts

There were also pitfalls:

:: not the product you thought it was

:: no direct method for returns

:: in some cases shipping charges

:: time delivery delays

:: not able to confirm sizing

When you look back at all the purchases you made ask yourself:

:: did you shop for need or did you shop to fill a void?

:: did you spend more money online than you would in person

:: did you end up with items that were useless and not returnable

:: did your budget take a direct hit leaving you with remorse

As you begin to set up your budget for a new month take a moment and reflect on what has transpired in the past.  Knowing what brings you value for your money and a return on your investment is key to money management.  Eliminating unnecessary spending will increase your cash flow for something you want and deserve to have.