Motivation What Defines Your Next Step
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Remember when you were younger sitting in a classroom and there was a teacher who talked and talked about a subject and sent you straight into a boredom coma.
· You didn't want to hear what was being said.
· You couldn't relate to the topic at that precise moment.
· Repetition became the instant pill of boredom.
Zoning out to a speck of marker to the right side of the blank notebook on your desk suddenly became fascinating. The pen within your fingers suddenly began to twitch as your arm slowly dropped to your desk putting your pen in just the right position to expand that speck.
First, you outlined it and made it a little darker. You branched out and created a wing or two with a loop. As your mind centered in on that one little speck suddenly it grew. Others started to notice – you had caught their attention. Of course, this was certainly not your intention. As the larger the audience grew – you now became the center of attention.
Your focus was so absorbed by the speck which had manifested into a work of art you didn't clue into:
· More eyes on you than the teacher.
· The teacher realizing her class was no longer paying attention.
· A lurking figure producing a shadow and distorting your creative speck.
The moment of realization hits you. You don't move for fear of what you anticipate coming next . . . boom! Motivation flies out the window and you are left abandoned to justify what is it you are doing, and what you plan to do next.
Motivation is a key ingredient in accomplishment!
When we find something that motivates us and consumes all our energy, we tend to forget the surrounding of which we are in. But the fact of the matter is not all motivation can be productive. A fair amount believes that it is nothing more than a distraction or a form of procrastination. And this could very well be true! Yet how often have you seen or done something that pleased you now and was forgotten? Days, weeks, months, or even years later it resurfaced in a manner which aided you with something you were doing or saying.
Which presents the question is the motivation required to accomplish something today or in the future? Today you doodled on the desk in a classroom simply because you were bored. In the future, you could be an artist, a designer, or a teacher yourself. So, when you become distracted or procrastinate due to lack of motivation to partake in a specific moment it could, in fact, be generating the mind for better things in the future.
What defines your next step?
· A simple thought which triggers your:
o If l could do . . .
· Perhaps an image or product which triggers your:
o There must be something I can use this for . . .
· A person whose life resembles exactly what you want for yourself and triggers your:
o I'll just do what they are doing . . .
Whether it is a thought, meeting, or sighting when motivation strikes it is extremely hard to resist the urge to drop everything and wander down a new road. There are times when a shift in the road can make all the difference and be the motivation you didn’t even know you needed or were looking for.
Sources for motivation will include:
· Talking with a family, friend, or colleague.
· Reading a book.
· Going to a workshop.
· Attending a course or meeting.
· Viewing photographs, images, or art.
· A walk-in nature.
· Journaling thoughts and ideas
· Doodling on whatever surface is in front of you.
Your search for motivation should stem from areas of interest in your desires of what you want to become. What you want to achieve or what you believe is missing to provide you with the motivation to get it done.
Motivation comes spontaneously and can leave just as quickly. You could have the opportunity to come face to face with it. Your reaction time could be the start of something better or the decline of what you are currently doing. Sometimes we just don’t have any personal motivation. That is okay! Look for a source that will provide that spark and when you find it – run with it.
Today might be a good day to pull out that journal you promised yourself you would use at some point. You might just need to do a little brainstorming to get a little motivation for yourself.
Here are 5 great questions to get you started:
1. What do I need to accomplish?
2. Where will I find my motivation?
3. What effort is required for me to at least try?
4. Who motivates me?
5. What do I need to get a jump start on accomplishing my tasks?
Now is a good time to erase the 'what if' factor.
Get yourself started. You might just be the right motivation you need!